Annual Statement of Account

Your Annual Statement

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Each fall, you will receive your Annual Statement of Account from TRS. This document shows the accumulation of your contributions, accumulated interest, years of credit, salary history and your beneficiary designation.  During your working career, this statement is one of the most important retirement planning documents you will receive from our office each year. The accuracy of the information contained in this statement is important to your retirement and serves as the basis for preparing an estimate of your retirement benefits.  This information, along with other factors such as the date of your retirement, possible accumulated sick leave and earnings limited by statute, also will aid in determining your final benefit.

Your statement information is reflected as follows:

  • The first page of your statement shows the summary information about your account.
  • The second page details how your account balance and years of service changed from last year to this year. It also lists the beneficiary information for your account that TRS currently has on file.
  • The third page details your salary and service credit earned by each year worked for a TRS employer over the last 30 years.

To assist members in maintaining accurate retirement accounts, TRS will perform service credit audits on accounts of members who will be eligible to retire within the next two years. You can help by carefully reviewing your statement to assure its accuracy. Please pay particular attention to the service credit listed for you. Members are entitled to receive a full year of service credit if they have no more than five days without pay during a year. If you think your account may have an error, please contact your employer, as employers furnish the salary and service credit reflected on your statement. Your employer will then notify TRS of errors and/or omissions that need to be corrected.