Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS)
Benefit Estimator / Calculator
Disclaimer:The Benefit Estimator is intended only to provide the member with the basic formula for estimating his or her retirement allowance, not as an assurance of any benefit the member will eventually receive. It is for illustrative purposes only.Retirement decisions should not be based in whole or in part upon the information obtained from using this Benefit Estimator. Benefits generated from this Benefit Estimator will not be used in any manner in calculating your retirement allowance. Official estimates performed by TRS staff may be obtained by contacting a TRS counselor during business hours. Official estimates will also include options other than the basic single life annuity estimated below. Official estimates are subject to audit and amendment at any time in accordance with the relevant sections of KRS Chapter 161.Minimum Retirement Eligibility — 27 years of Kentucky service or age 55 with 5 years of service credit.NOTE: The Benefit Estimator is not currently designed for use by individuals who became members of TRS on or after July 1, 2008. The Benefit Estimator is being revised and will include this function in the near future, so please re-visit this site.
Input the highest five (5) years of salary*.